Australian Brumby Alliance commenced legal proceedings in the Supreme Court against Parks Victoria. Australian Brumby Alliance alleges that Parks Victoria’s inhumane killing of Brumbies by gunshot is unlawful and does not comply with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
President of the ABA, Jill Pickering has been a long time supporter and staunch advocate of the Brumby plight for well over a decade. Jill along with the Australian Brumby Alliance Association has worked tirelessly to stop the inhumane shooting and killing of Brumbies and calling for the government to work with alternative methods of management, such as fertility control which has been successfully used in the U.S.A for 40 years.
Instead, the Labor government continously chooses killing with no regard whatsover to the life of the horse, be it a mare in foal or even a foal at foot, the senseless, often horrific, barbaric ending of the life of these beautiful sentient beings is disregarded, the pain and suffering that is inflicted upon these Brumbies is totally unneccessary.
Evidence has emerged that clearly shows horses and tiny foals slaughtered by gunshot have suffered greatly in the killing process. It's a despicable lethal method with no compassion for the life of the animals.
This situation raises the question " Is this Australian government ever going to take the time to listen to those who have worked with Brumbies for over a decade, those who have the skills, the experience and the capabilites to manage the herds effectively and without cruelty or killing?"
Should the Australian Brumby Alliance be successful with the legal proceedings to stop these inhumane killings, then the outcome just may push the government to begin using humane methods of control and management, which is exactly what many Brumby advocates have been calling for.
No date for court has been set as yet, however, Jill has esculated the situation and hopes it will be heard quickly.
Brumby friends, we ask each of you to dip into your pockets and donate a few bucks to financially support the Australian Brumby Alliance with this legal battle, many of us know how costly the court system is and it is with your help that the ABA can undertake this.

To keep up to date with the legal proceedings head on over to the ABA Facebook page:
Or alternativeley subscribe to Brumby Bridges, which is the ABA newsletter:
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