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  • Writer's pictureLynette Sutton

Blue Highways Gallery - The Launch

Blue Highways Gallery Barmah Brumby exhibition and official gallery launch is on the 3rd July at 32-34 Chanter St Berrigan NSW 2712, showcasing the beauty of our wild horses including raising some much needed funds for HOOFS2010.

Mark Buttsworth has been an incredible support for us here at HOOFS2010, his captured moments of the many Brumbies he has come across whilst out and about are beautiful. Each photograph not only captures an image, it's the voice of Australia's iconic Wild Horses reaching out to people all over the world to speak out on their behalf and to take action to stop the horrendous slaughter, to stop the killing and to keep these horses right where they naturally belong....... in their environment.

We are so thankful to Mark for all he is doing and for stepping out with his camera and embracing the passion for Brumbies because once the Brumbies connect with you their hold and tug stays and takes you on a journey that soon develops into an unstoppable force to do all you can to ensure they survive, we know that this is a "CALLING."

Have you been called?

Take a road trip to Berrigan and drop in at the Blue Highways Gallery, Mark will happily share his Brumby experiences with you, there will be no walking out of that gallery without feeling the powerful Brumby awe of all that you will see and hear.

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HOOFS2010 is an incorporated registered Australian charity with direct gift recipient status. Donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible.


Our organisation depends on the kind and generous donations of people like you to keep our Brumbies fed and well cared for as well as continue our invaluable hands-on rescue work.     

HOOFS2010 is a full member of the Australian Brumby Alliance. ABA was formed in 2008 by several Australian horse organisations.


The ABA is concerned with the promotion, protection and humane management of Australian Wild Horses, the Brumby.   

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Come Join us & Get Involved!

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We love to hear from our supporters, as well as anyone with questions about our life-saving work with Brumbies. 


Let us know if you have any questions about our Land Project, our Fundraising Campaigns, our Berrigan Sanctuary or any other related question and we will be happy to chat with you.

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14205 Riverina Highway Berrigan NSW 2712

​​0401 527 991

HOOFS2010 Inc. 9893476 ​| Registered Charity: 21823 | ABN: 45 577 233 292

© 2022 HOOFS2010 Inc. All Rights Reserved 

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