On the 10th June 2023, we celebrated our 13th HOOFS2010 Birthday at our Charity Shop in Berrigan, NSW. The day was well celebrated, we had plenty of visitors, the cupcakes made by Tess were not only beautiful, they were delicious, we raised just over $1900.
Sadly we didn't expect what was coming at us. The real estate agent notified us that we could no longer utilise the shop as it has now been officially leased out. With only 24 hours notice, Brett Hannan removals came to our aid to help us move out, so it was back to the sanctuary we went.
Fast forward to where we are now. At the HOOFS2010 Brumby Sanctuary we have a fabulous barn, so we decided to get to work on a section of it for our shop, now the shop can be housed at the sanctuary. We have put in a lot of work and the result is The BRUMBY BARN SHOP is almost ready for the official opening.

We have a date set for 10:00am on the 12th August 2023, it will be our re-opening of the shop, we have named it The Brumby Barn Shop. Come and make a day of it, get out of the house, bring the family and even your friends to HOOFS2010 Brumby Sanctuary, we're located at 14205 Riverina Highway Berrigan, New South Wales.
We believe having the shop at the sanctuary is a great idea because it is here that our visitors can also see first hand the work we do with the Brumbies whilst they come and browse the shop. So when one door closes another opens and now we have an opportunity to truly show our visitors that their purchases from the shop will be assisting our cause which is for our Southern Cross Wild Horse Safe House also known as our Land Project!
See you on Saturday the 12th at the HOOFS2010 Brumby Sanctuary.